April 16, 2013

I am going to dedicate my show to Kate.

My work has been always about place through memory and remembrance.  Pouch Cove has been the site of enquiry for self-discovery.  Pouch Cove has allowed me to feel what is like to belong. Stories have the power to bring us to the traditional ways of seeing, knowing and remembering.

Herb, Shirley, David, Ted and others here in Pouch Cove always talk about the old days and the hardship.  It  is not that they want to go back to the hard time, but to hold on to the feeling of "good time" that came out of it.  Herb would say to me, "We were poor, but we were happy.  Those were the good time".

April 12, 2013

There was a memorial service for Kate at MUN today.  There were plenty of tears, and a few laughs also. Kate's thesis was mentioned and some passages were read out.    We all have to "Learn(ing) to Love Again".  I have the urge to get hold of Kate's thesis paper and read it. How ironic that her work was about loss and remembrance.  Newman came up to the room and gave us kisses. 

April 09, 2013

Brenda came to take a look at my work.  She seemed to be quite happy with what she saw.  She was excited about the audio installation.  She even suggested that I should build a flake and place the aluminum fish on it.  Her enthusiasm was very encouraging.

April 07, 2013

My dear friend Kate passed away today.

I have no words to describe my feeling.  I asked Trish to pass this message on to her:

"kate,  you know how obsessed I am about fish flake.  I know you'll laugh when I say this.  Kate, you are the longers that hold up the flake.Love you…"

Kate, we will miss you so much.  You will always be part of our life, part of NL.  I said to Bob NL is not going to be the same without you.