March 10, 2021

Water and Memory

 I came across this quote by Toni Morrison:

"All water has a perfect memory and is trying to get back to where it was. Writers are like that: remembering where we were, what valley we ran through, what the banks were like, the light that was there and the route back to our original place. It is emotional memory-what the nerves and the skin remember as well as how it appeared. And a rush of imagination is our flooding."

I have never thought of the connection between water and memory - it makes so much sense because it keeps coming back!!!

January 31, 2021

End of 2020

Keeping busy with my school work but did manage to bring in a few pieces to Brenda. I started working on a piece that is quite different; something is not WAVE! My sister has one of my old paintings of Florence, and she would like to have another piece to go with it. Here is my attempt:

The pieces that are in the gallery:

As soon as I get my Methodology Chapter done, I'll get back to my studio: