When I mentioned to bhYael about doing an audio piece for the Documentation Practices' end of term project. She suggested that I should look into directional speakers.
This set up only allows the person who is standing under this system to hear the audio, people who are standing outside the range can not hear it. I talked to numerous people and couldn't find a place where I can rent the system. At the same time, I was still thinking about using motion sensor to activate the audio piece. Symon Oliver was going to show me the program that he used. When I mentioned to Symon that I would like to have voices coming out from different speakers, he said I could do a 2 channel audio in any audio editing program. Since the narratives are more important to me, I really should spend time on the "contents", rather than presentation.
Another leaning curve. I bought the Sound Studio program and started learning it. Because the voices were overlapping so I needed to bring in more audio clips/files. It took me many hours to put together a 5 minutes piece. But I am happy with it. The stories are still there, but they are told in a different manner. This is more like Glen Gould's radio documentaries The Solitude Trilogy that inspired my to do audio work in the first place, it has taken a round about way for me to get there. I am very excited about this.
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